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Covid-19 Protocols Checklist: What to Ask a School About Safety

As if touring schools wasn’t stressful enough, now we need to consider what Covid-19 protocols are in place. Although most requirements are mandated by the Education Commission in each school’s district, it’s good to understand what you’re getting into as a parent. Hopefully, this won’t be a concern in the near future, but better to be prepared.

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What Happens if a Child Tests Positive for COVID-19?

When news broke the morning of Dec 30 that a 4-year-old child tested positive with a mild case, one of the questions that haunt parents’ nightmares came roaring back into WeChat groups: can one parent stay with the child while they receive care? Can parents visit their child at all while in isolation for COVID-19?

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Do You Have a Bug in Bag? Be Prepared for Anything

Having lived in earthquake territory, then hurricane territory, and overseas in general, our family has always had a “bug out bag” at the ready. This is a sturdy bag that holds some essentials for living in any viable situation for 72 hours: first aid, change of socks, bottled water, basic nonperishable snacks, flashlight, changes of clothes, copies of passports/important documents, cell phone chargers, basic tool kit, camping bowls, and utensils — you get the idea.

My kids went back to school in China during the height of the pandemic. This is what US schools should learn.

Back to school shouldn't be this painful, so full of worry. My family's previous "back to school" was in September 2020, in Beijing, where we lived for two years.

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Long Distance Holidays: Making Memories Over Zoom

Most expat families are accustomed to making relationships with family and friends over long-distance work, but this year, of course, is different. It’s easier to hold onto Zoom hugs and text chats when you have the possibility to see someone in person at least once a year. So what to do this holiday season when you can’t travel home? Here are some little ways to connect with your families and friends that can make a big difference:


Quarantine With Kids? Tips From Parents Who Lived to Tell the Tale

If you’re lucky enough to obtain a PU letter and special visa so your family can return to Beijing, the next step is preparing for quarantine. When I returned in July, we still quarantined for two weeks outside of Beijing, and it’s a hopeful step that they now allow some incoming flights to quarantine inside the city.


Stories From Shunyi’s Pop Up Nucleic Acid Testing Centers

Where to turn when you need the latest information on COVID-19 testing centers? If none of the options outlined in our sister site the Beijinger work for you, it’s to WeChat groups you go! That was especially true starting on Christmas day last week, when many Shunyi residents, workers, and school staff were instructed to get tested because of their proximity to the new cases.

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Most Schools Suggest You Stay Put for Winter Break

Let’s get real. No one expected we could travel outside of China by winter, right? Even so, many families began looking more inward, delving once again into guide books to learn what places within the country of China we could visit.

Then the school announcements came. 

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Getting Physical to Go Back to School: My Experience at BJU

Last Friday, I had my weekend to-do list all ready. It revolved around getting prepared to start school in person: my 6-year-old on Monday and 4-year-old on Tuesday. Their name tags, water bottles, backpacks, lunch plans, were all ready for assembly. A few last-minute items to arrange and obtain, and we’d finally be back to school!

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Pandemic Parenting: How to Work With Kids Home From School

Yesterday (Jan 2), we started to get notice that the Shunyi Education Commission determined that international schools should move online, at least partially. Dulwich College Beijing (DCB) will move to e-learning up to Year 9, and The British School of Beijing (BSB), Shunyi will move online except for Years 10 through 13.

Here are some ideas so that you are not completely at sea while trying to hit your own deadlines around e-learning schedules.